Robert Morgan
California State Eagle Scout Contest Winner
Redlands Chapter Sons of the American Revolution Eagle Scout Contestant Robert Morgan from Troop 101 - Beaumont, wins First Place prize and $1,500 U.S. Series EE Savings Bonds in State Eagle Scout contest Saturday April 9th 2011 in Costa Mesa.
This is the second time that Robert has won the State contest, having also won in 2008. He will move up to compete in the National Contest.
Redlands Chapter Sons of the American Revolution
For many years, the S.A.R. has recognized the many common bonds of principle and purpose shared by the S.A. R. and the Boy Scouts of America.
You young men achieving the rank of Eagle Scout have demonstrated your belief in these common principles. For this reason, the S.A.R. believes that Eagle Scouts are deserving of special recognition for their accomplishment and dedication.
We invite all Eagle Scouts of the Greyback District of the California Inland Empire Council to send us a formal invitation to your Eagle Scout Court of Honor where we will honor you with the "Good Citizenship" medal and certificate. Please send your invitations to:
Redlands Chapter Eagle Scout Chairman:
We have awarded the following Eagle
Scout certificates:
1) Garett B. Lake -
Troop 17, Yucaipa, CA (Court of Honor - 27 Apr. 2014)
2) Jason Michael Kamath - Troop 220, Chino Hills, CA (Court of
Honor 19 Apr. 2014)
Joshua Paulin - Troop 67, Fort Irwin, CA (Court of Honor
28 June 2014)
Shawn Wm. Price
11595 Butterfield St.
Loma Linda, CA 92354-3957
There are three levels at which an Eagle Scout might receive recognition and/or monetary awards
1. CHAPTER LEVEL: The Redlands Chapter of the S.A.R. presents a certificate, "Eagle" medal and a cash award to the winner of the chapter competition. The Redlands Chapter Eagle Scout Scholarship is open to all Eagle Scouts of the Greyback District of the California Inland Empire Council who meet the stated qualifications
2. STATE LEVEL: The winner of the Redlands Chapter level is submitted to The California Society of the S.A.R. state Eagle Scout Scholarship program competition. The winner of the state competition will receive a handsome Eagle Trophy and a cash award.
3. NATIONAL LEVEL: The winner of the California State level competition is submitted to the S.A.R. National Eagle Scout Committee which meets in February or March of each year to judge state winner entries and to select the three top National Scholarship winners.
The National winner receives an $8,000 scholarship award and is brought as a guest to the National S.A.R. Congress held in June or July of each year where the award is made and the Eagle Scout presents his essay to the assembly.
The first runner-up receives a $4,000 award and the second runner-up $2,000 which is presented at a State Society meeting.
Who may apply and deadlines for applications
Any Eagle Scout is eligible to apply who is still registered actively in a Scout unit provided that he does NOT reach his 19th birthday in the calendar year of application.
An Eagle may apply more than one year, but no individual may be awarded more total dollars than the $8000 First Place award. For example, if an Eagle applies one year and receives the National runner-up award of $4000, and has not reached his 19th birthday in the following calendar year, he may apply the second year, but if he were the First Place winner, he would receive only an additional $4000.
States may have different rules for winners within States and/or Chapters.
This annual competition is conducted on a calendar year basis.
The Redlands chapter has a deadline of
October 15th for submission of entries to:
Redlands Chapter Eagle Scout Chairman
Shawn Wm. Price
11595 Butterfield St.
Loma Linda, CA 92354-3957
How to apply for the S.A.R. Scholarships Program
1. Completed application form, signed by you and your parents/guardian.
2. The four generation Ancestry Chart
3. Your original essay, not to exceed 500 words, written on an American Revolutionary Patriotic Theme, with footnotes and bibliography.
Required Forms downloads:
Eagle Scout Scholarship Application
Four Generation Ancestor Chart
Note: Each of the two forms should be printed as two sided if possible.
You must have the Adobe Acrobat® Reader 4.0 or above for the PDF files. Adobe® Acrobat Download
For more information and to download forms, link to http://www.sar.org/youth/eagle.html
You will also find at this web site the names and addresses of each State Chair of the S.A.R. Eagle program.
All applications must be submitted to the S.A.R. Chapter--do not mail to National S.A.R.
2004 - 2005 Winning Essay:
The Battle of Saratoga:Turning Point of the Revolution
by John R. Rasmussen, Eagle ScoutMinnesota Society -- stopprint -->