Revolutionary War Uniforms>
Color Guard Events
The Color Guard takes part in an average of 12 major events a year, including parades, memorial ceremonies, school presentations, and living history displays.
Here are examples of events in which we have participated.
Baldwin Park H.S. History Day. We set up a full encampment. We drilled, fired and lectured on life of the soldier.
The annual George Washington Massing of Colors at Forest Lawn, L.A.
History Day at Azuza Pacific Univ. We set up a full encampment. We drilled, fired and lectured on life of the soldier.
Torrance Armed Forces Day parade.
Redlands 4th of July event and parade/ opening ceremonies of fireworks show. We set up a full encampment. We answered questions about the life of the soldier.
Veterans day event at the FlaBob airport.
City of Redlands Christmas Parade, lined up in first or second position.
History Day Azuza Mar07
 Color Guard Photos
Photos of events the Redlands SAR Color Guard has participated in.
7-4-05 S.A.R. At Redlands Park & Parade Photos
If you would like more information:
Contact Redlands Chapter, Sons of the American Reveloution Color Guard
John A. Flippin
817 Birch Ct
Redlands, CA 92374
Cell phone (909) 557-0933
Video of Melvin Harrell of the Redlands Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution at our July 4, 2012 encampment display in Sylvan Park.
Click Here
FYI Compatriots,
I have located a Rev War. Drill manual (adopted by Congress in 1779) that is consistent with what I learned from Will Langford and John Ford, which they had gotten from Chuck Lampman and Don Moran.
The linked manual contains most of the commands, with the only exception being with regard to the carrying of flags, which only has a few items (not nearly so complicated as carrying a firelock).
The manual is a complete document, with many items that will not pertain to us, which I have set to gray, versus black, which may pertain to us. Please review this ahead of Sunday. I am thinking to print copies as well.
Manual link:
Charlie Frye