SAR is a patriotic, philanthropic organization of adult
male descendants of someone who served the nation in its development
during the Revolutionary War period.
Goal of our organization:
The SAR, as a historical, educational, and patriotic
organization, seeks to maintain and extend:
The institutions of American freedom An appreciation for true patriotism A respect for our national symbols The value of American citizenship The unifying force of e pluribus unum that has
created, from the people of many nations, one nation and one people.
© 2004-2025 All rights reserved.
© All rights reserved.
Redlands Chapter,
Sons of the American Revolution
Officers and Chairmen
Elected Officers
Appointed Offices
Youth Program Chairs
President The President shall preside over all meetings of the
membership and the Executive Committee. He shall appoint all general
and special committees necessary to carry out the work and Programs of
the Chapter during his term, with the concurrence of the Executive
Melvin Harrell
P.O. Box 3334 Running Springs, CA 92382
909 939-2523
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Corresponding Secretary The Corresponding Secretary shall:
1. Notify membership of upcoming events by the following means.
a. Direct email
b. Providing announcements to chapter web master
2. Maintain a current list of email addresses for chapter members that can be used for chapter-wide communication.
3. Maintain a current list of email addresses for chapter officers and committee chairs and members that can be used to directly communicate with the officers and committees.
4. Maintain a current list of email addresses for prospective members—coordinate this with the chapter registrar
Wayne Snowden
Colton, CA
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Eagle Scout Program The Eagle Scout Program Chair shall
Shawn W. Price
11585 Butterfield St.
Loma Linda, CA 92354
909 796-4904
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1st Vice President The First Vice-President shall function in the absence of the President, and shall perform such duties as may be specifically assigned to him. He shall be responsible for programs, and for obtaining guest speakers.
Piedlow Home 760-242-0859 Cell phone 760-953-5895
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Web Master The Web Master shall update the website.
Charles R. Kiel
PO Box 162
Highland, CA 92346-0162
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High School Knight Essay Contest The Knight Essay Contest Chairman shall The George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest
Charles R. Kiel
PO Box 162 Highland,
CA 92346-0162
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2nd Vice President The Second Vice-President shall function in the
absence of both the President and First Vice President. He shall be
responsible for the Chapter public relations, including news items for
the publication of the newsletter. He shall be an ex-officio member of
the Awards Committee.
Color Guard Commander The Color Guard Commander shall
Will Langford
669 Center Crest Dr.
Redlands, CA 92373
909 792-8939
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ROTC/JROTC Program The ROTC/JROTC Program Charman shall
Arthur Sam Irwin
30535 Country Club Dr.
Redlands, CA 92373
909 794-3492
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Secretary The Secretary shall:
1. Keep the official copy of the Chapter’s by-laws and monitor the state society’s by-laws to ensure the chapter remains consistent with state society operations
2. Maintain a copy of the minutes of chapter meetings
3. Receive all new membership certificates and materials.
a. Ensure the treasurer and corresponding secretary receive all information they need to meet their responsibilities relative to the new member
b. Notify Chapter president, the new member’s sponsor, and the corresponding secretary that the prospective member has been approved and that the prospective member should be invited to the next chapter meeting(s) so they may be inducted into the chapter.
4. Submit monthly and annual chapter activity reports to the state society as required by the state society.
James Mercer
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Genealogist The Genealogist shall
Shawn W. Price
11585 Butterfield St.
Loma Linda, CA 92354
909 796 - 4904
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Treasurer The Treasurer shall receive all dues, and shall
deposit all funds in a bank selected by the Executive Committee. He
shall keep accurate records of all financial transactions by the
Chapter including:
1. Keeping an up to date an accurate roster of the chapter’s membership.
2. Collect the dues for chapter, state, and national society from chapter members and convey the proper portions to the state and national societies.
3. Arrange and pay for food service and accommodations for each chapter meeting.
a. Collect or delegate the collection of, as needed, each chapter meeting’s meal income from members.
b. Report the state of the food service and meeting accommodations to executive board on a monthly basis.
c. Conduct the 50/50 drawing.
4. Provide a report on the state of the chapter’s treasury at each chapter meeting and for executive board meetings.
5. Provide recommendation for valid chapter expenses incurred by program chairs, committee chairs, and chapter. officers.
6. Directly purchase SAR materials, as requested by chapter officers, using chapter funds.
7. Maintain chapter accounts that support chapter activities. Currently the main chapter activites include:
a. Chapter meetings and operations.
b. Color Guard.
c. Col. John E. Ford III Memorial Scholarship Fund.
8. Accept and deposit all donations as specified by donors (when possible to meet their specific requests).
9. Prepare and file chapter’s annual tax return.
Patrick Lyons 6052
Blossom PL.
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 858 397-4074
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Newsletter The Newsletter Chairman shall
Will Langford
669 Center Crest Dr.
Redlands, CA 92373
909 792-8939
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The Registrar shall review and approve the
preparation and submittal to the California Society, SAR of
applications by candidates for membership in SAR.
Shawn W. Price
11585 Butterfield St.
Loma Linda, CA 92354
909 796-4904
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Ways and Means Chair The Ways and Means Chairman shall
Robert J. Lemley
412 E. Palm Ave.
Redlands, CA 92373
(909) 793-9390
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